Nature & Outdoor activities

Nature and Outdoor activities are a very big part of the Norwegian lifestyle and culture. Here you can get to know the topic about nature and activities in Rana and in the Helgeland region. 

Laws, regulations, and norms


Allemannsretten means “everyman’s right” in the Norwegian language but can be understood as the right or freedom to roam in Norway. Allemannsretten is a right regulated by the law Friluftsloven (1957), where it separates between cultivated and uncultivated areas. Cultivated areas means privately owned land, meadows, pastures, gardens, building plots, and industrial sites. Uncultivated areas mean public owned areas that belongs to the public, which is available to use for inhabitants and visitors with essential guidelines.

Go to the official website to Visit Helgeland to learn about the right to roam in Norway.  

Go to the official webportal about the Right to roam to read and learn guidelines. 

Sustainable tourism

The region of Helgeland including Rana region have a goal of developing sustainable tourism, where this requires the effort of the inhabitants and visitors. This requires inhabitants and visitors using sustainable transport methods, supporting local businesses and communities, following the ‘Norwegian Mountain Code’, and respecting the wildlife and rest of society. Use the official webportal to Visit Helgeland to learn about sustainable tourism in Helgeland. 

Key links and information resources is an official website and mobile phone app owned and maintained by the Norwegian Trekking Association in Norway. On the website and mobile phone app (only in Norwegian) you will find maps, explorer, trips, and lists plus alerts and messages with articles about nature and outdoor activities. You can also make yourself an own profile if you want it. is an official website and mobile phone app owned and maintained by the Norwegian Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), in collaboration with the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MTE), and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA). On the website and mobile phone app, you will find information about avalanche, floods and landslides, forecasts, and other news when being in nature and doing outdoor activities. is an official website owned and maintained by the organization Norsk Friluftsliv or the Norwegian Association for Outdoor organizations, which is the common group for 18 Norwegian nature and outdoor volunteer organizations, with over 5000 unions and teams in Norway.  On the website (only in Norwegian), you will find projects, topics, publications, and contact information.  


Inatur is the official website for Norway’s leading marketplace for hunting, fishing, and cabin rental in Norwegian nature. You will find more information and guidance about hunting in the official website Inatur. 


Go to the official website to Statskog to get information and receive guidance about hunting requirements, laws, regulations, and licence (only in Norwegian). is an official website and mobile phone app owned and maintained by Statskog and Friluftsrådenes Landsforbund. On the website and app (only in Norwegian), you will find information about trips, facilities, maps, news, and other useful resources when you want to spend time in nature with outdoor activities. 

Norgeskart Friluftsliv

Norgeskart Friluftsliv is a mobile phone app which provides users with a full map in Norway. It is also connected to the other mobile phone apps Godtur and Telltur. If you want to download it on your mobile phone, search for “Norgeskart Friluftsliv” to download the app. 

Digital soppkontroll

Digital soppkontroll is an official website and mobile phone app owned by Norges sopp- og nyttevekstforbund, which provides information about mushrooms in Norway. If you want to download it on your mobile phone, search for “digital soppkontroll” to download the app.

NJFF – appen

NJFF (The Norwegian hunting and fishing association) has an own app for hunters and fishers when you need information about laws, regulations, rules, and norms. If you want to download it on your mobile phone, search for “njff appen” to download the app.

Hjelp 113

Hjelp 113 is the official mobile phone app owned and maintained by the Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation in Norway. The app will show you the precise geographical location and contact information when you need immediate help from the Norwegian police, the Norwegian ambulance, and the Norwegian fire rescue, in Norway. It is highly recommended to download the app on your mobile phone by searching for “hjelp 113” to download it.