Learn Norwegian

Start your learning journey in Norwegian. 

There are two written Norwegian languages, and hundreds of different dialects based on settlement in Norway. Bokmål and Nynorsk are the two writing forms in Norwegian. Most Norwegians write Bokmål, but have learned both Bokmål and Nynorsk in Norwegian school. Bokmål is the Norwegian writing form you learn to write in Norway. It is impossible to speak Bokmål and Nynorsk since it is written, and where you will find that there are hundreds of dialects spoken in Norway. Dialects are created by settlements in the regions, towns, and cities in Norway. 

Here are some suggestions for those who have never known about Norwegian but need to start learning it: 

  • Watch Norwegian movies and tv-series online.
  • Listen to Norwegian music online.
  • Download language learning apps on your mobile phone (Duolingo, Babbel, Memrise, and others). 

Norwegian courses 

Rana Adult Education (RAVO) offers Norwegian and society courses for refugees and international newcomers. 

RAVO has two Norwegian course options for international newcomers:

Daytime course 

Daytime course with in- person teaching is offered three days (monday, tuesday and friday) from 8am to 2pm weekly. Daytime course cost 2500 kroner monthly and 800 kroner for course materials. 

Online course

Online course is with digital tools with tasks and assignments which you deliver to a teacher, and where you receive feedbacks from them, and where you receive online teaching every second week during the course period. Online course cost 1400 kroner each month, and teaching and learning can be adapted to your own required needs. This can be an alternative for those who work during daytime and have free time on afternoon or evening. 

Private Norwegian courses 

Private Norwegian courses are usually hosted by private companies (Minar, Kompetansehuset etc.) which offers specialized Norwegian courses according to needs to employers and employees in businesses and companies. 

Language training 

Language Cafè 

Language Cafè is located in Rana library every week during the day and afternoon. It is a pleasant way and informal way to practice Norwegian about various topics, and get to know other newcomers in Mo i Rana. 

Norwegian practice

Norwegian practice is hosted by Rana Red Cross in Rana library every week in the daytime. The purpose is to speak Norwegian and learn about the Norwegian society in terms of integration.