Renting tips and advice

Here you will find a short summary about renting tips and advice when you are finding a place to rent in Norway. Keep in mind that these tips and advice are standard norms and attitudes found in the standard agreements between tenants and landlords according to general tenancy agreement. 

Find your home

Find your home by using digital websites and pages listed in where you to find a place to live online. When you have found your potential home, send a formal message to the landlord, and ask for a display of the place. You can ask for a digital tour or to ask if somebody can do it for you. 

Avertisement about yourself

You can place an advertisement about yourself in English where you introduce yourself as a tenant to potential landlords on online platforms. Give a short description about yourself regarding who you are, where you come from, and tell about what you are looking for, and add a picture of yourself.


It is normal for landlords to ask for references from previous places you have rented before, or from somebody close to you that really professionally know you as a person. References can be contact persons or letters of recommendations in English or Norwegian.


It is normal to have a deposit bank account which is the financial safety of the tenancy agreement, and it is between the landlord and the tenant. It is the landlord that creates the deposit bank account in the local bank, where the tenant read through and sign the bank agreement. The amount is usually 2-3 months which is transferred before you move into the place. 

Before you sign the agreement

Remember to ask about water, electricity, recycling, fire safety, internet, tv, parking, and pets, before you sign the agreement. This may vary between landlords when renting a place to live. 


There might be variations in transportation methods in different areas in Mo i Rana. Check out the transportation methods in the neighbourhood.