Guidelines and rights

Here you will find information about guidelines and rights between tenants and landlords in Norway. Guidelines and rights are regulated by the Tenancy Act (Huseierloven) which sets the minimum standards between tenants and landlords in the agreement. 

The Tenancy Agreement 

It is important to know the Tenancy Agreement in terms of contracts with regulations and rights in Norway. The Norwegian Consumer Council have an English webportal where you can read and learn about Consumer Council about Tenancy Agreement in Norway. 

The Norwegian Consumer Council have made an English brochure about regulations pertaining to tenancy agreements in Norway. If you have questions about guidelines and rights regarding Tenancy Agreement reach out to the Norwegian Consumer Council in Norway. 

Standard norms in the tenancy agreement 

  • Bank deposit in your local bank.
  • References from others. 
  • Tenancy agreement in writing with signatures from both parts. 


Husleietvistutvalget is a state-run institution that process disputes between tenants and landlords pursuant to the Tenancy Act. In their English website, you will find information and guidance about guidelines and rights, solving disputes, and processing complaints. The website also have some useful articles about how you can rent a place to live in Norway. Go to Husleietvistutvalget website to find more information about renting in Norway.