The Norwegian healthcare system

Information resources and key links about healthcare system.

The Norwegian healthcare system 

The Norwegian Healthcare system is a public healthcare system with universal health and social insurance coverage for members of the Norwegian Social Insurance Scheme (Folketrygden) which is regulatedby the National Insurance Act and the Patient Rights Act. You must be a member of the National Insurance Scheme (Folketrygden) in order to receive subsidized healthcare services. 

The healthcare system is structed by the primary and specialist healthcare services. The primary healthcare services are located in the municipality, and the specialist healthcare services are located on a state level. The specialist healthcare services are located in hospitals and treatment facilities whereas the primary healthcare services are located in General Practitioners (GP) or Family doctors in the municipalities. It is the doctor who refers its patients to hospitals and treatment facilities when it is covered by the public insurance in Norway. 

The Exemption Card (Frikortet) is a card for public helthcare services which limits the amount of shared pay for its members each calendar year. The amount is decided each year by the Norwegian Parliament where the limit varies between years. 

Helsenorge Information in English

Go to the official foreign webportal to Helsenorge to find more information about the Norwegian healthcare system and services. The English webportal contain information and guidance about healthcare rights and duties for foreigners in the Norwegian healthcare system. 

Contact and Assistance Helsenorge

Contact the guidance service to Helsenorge if you need assistance with the healthcare system and services as a foreigner living in Norway. 

Healthcare services 

Here you will find a general overview of healthcare services in terms of rights and duties in Norway. 

General Practitioner (GP)

Everyone who have residence in a municipality have the right to their own General Practitioner (GP) in Norway. General Practitioner (GP) is the closest contact as a patient in the Norwegian healthcare system in terms of healthcare services. It is the municipality who are responsible for the provision and access to General Practitioners (GP) in the municipality. Everyone who have residence in a municipality have the right to their own General Practitioner (GP) in Norway. The direct translation for this system is called "Fastlegeordningen" in Norwegian. 

National Identity Number versus D-number

It is important to seperate between a National Identity Number and D-number in the right to a General Practitioner (GP) in the Norwegian healthcare system. Individuals and family members with National Identity Numbers are considered to have residence in a municipality because they are registered in the National Population Registry in Norway. The right to be assigned a General Practitioner (GP) is that you have residence in a municipality, which means being registered in the National Population Registry. Individuals and family members with D-numbers doesn't have neccessarily the right to a General Practitioner (GP) in a municipality with some expections to this right. The general rule is that you must have been permanent living more than one year in Norway. 

The right to a doctor in Norway

Go to the English webportal to to find more information about the right to a doctor in Norway. 

Healthcare services without a GP

A D-number doesn't neccessary give you the right to a General Practitioner (GP) because it doesn't automically give you membership in the National Insurance Scheme. You only have the right to necessary medical assistance in terms of temporary healthcare services. There are some exeptions to this right such as those with National Identity Number or a European Health Insurance Card are entitled to a General Practitioner (GP) in the healthcare system. 

European Health Insurance Card

If you are staying temporary or need short - term healthcare insurance, bring your European Health Insurance Card, that is if you are citizen from a country who are member of the European Union (EU) or EEA-country. Go to the English webportal to to find information about  European Health Insurance Card in Norway. 

Payment for health services in Norway

Go to the English webportal to to find information about payment for health services in Norway. 


If you are planning and preparing for pregnancy and maternity care it might be a good idea to read and learn about healthcare rights and duties in terms of pregnancy and maternity care in Norway. Go to the English webportal to to read and learn about pregnancy and maternity care in Norway. 

Interpreter in health services 

You have the right to receive healthcare information and treatment in a language you understand if you have limited knowledge and skills about Norwegian language. You have the right to a intepreter in your preferred language. Go to the English webportal to to find information about interpreter in healthcare services in Norway.

Translator app

If you have the possibility use a translator app during receiving general and easy information and healthcare treatment. Most healthcare personnel accept and approve that you use a translator app in the healthcare services.