Overview of the education system
If you require an overview of the Norwegian education system, I recommend visiting the official English website of The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (UDIR). On the website you will find the following topics:
- Facts about the education system in Norway.
- Norwegian - English Dictionary.
- Brochures in other languages.
- Currical and Frameworks.
- Quality and well-being.
- Other publications.
You will also find information and guidance about assessments and recognition of foreign education and training, Norwegian vocational education and training (VET), and certificates and grading scales in Norway.
Recognition of Foreign Education in Norway
The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HKDIR) serves as the executive agency responsible for overseeing higher education and higher vocational sectors under the Ministry of Education and Research in Norway. They hold the mandate for shaping and implementing the national skills policy in the country.
Go to their website to find information and guidance about the following topics:
- Higher Education and Research.
- Adult Learning.
- Working life and skills.
- Tertiary vocational education.
- Kindergarten, primary and secondary education and training.
Other information resources
Go to Vilbli.no to find information and guidance about upper secondary education higher education taken abroad, if you are planning on qualify for admission with approval into college or university in higher education in Norway.
Use the English webportal about Foregin Education to find information and guidance about education from outside Norway, lists & databases, evaluate a candidate with foreign education, and confirmation of Norwegian education.
Career counseling and guidance
Karriere Helgeland is a free service offering career counseling and guidance to youths and adults who need career counseling and guidance about career development regarding education and vocational training and work skills.
Publisert 19.07.2023 11:26
Sist endret 16.09.2024 11:36